FFWN Most Interesting Op Location

The FediFridayWinlinkNet question of the week on 5/31/24 was “What is the most interesting or unique place from which you have operated a ?” We had some really interesting answers! See the list below.

  • From the San Andres Fault right between the Pacific & North American plates
  • From a boat in the middle of Oneida Lake in NY was the most interesting place I’ve operated
  • Cubi Point Naval Air Station in the Philippines back in 1991, did not have my license at that time, but was instead using another HAM’s license
  • Schwarzwald National Park
  • Piney Grove Campground on the Tombigbee waterway. I usually run Field Day from the camp but I also listen to the marine bands while barges pass by between the Tennessee River and the Gulf of Mexico
  • the dolly sods wilderness in WV — my favorite place!
  • APRS On the beach in Waikiki near the Hilton Hawaiian Village
  • KC4USV – McMurdo Station Antarctica
  • House Mount lookout in Idaho during the 1989 ARRL Field Day. Two photos of mine from that event were featured on two QST covers. November 89 and June 91
  • From the roof of a pink WW2 pillbox on the summit Pu’u’ohulu Kai, Oahu, HI
  • West Coast USA, with an EFHW at 2ft above the ground running along a wooden guard rail.. working Japanese stations on 20m QRP CW as the mist rolled in
  • sent APRS messages from ground via ISS
  • 2 Weeks ago on a boat in Ireland, QRV with my X6100
  • Copper Harbor, MI. Amazing place to operate
  • an Engineers Without Borders trip to rural El Salvador; made ~3 contacts with a G5RV and my 706
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac National Memorial: POTA US-0784
  • Probably a coffee shop running packet on my TH-D74
  • As a DXpeditioner, I’ve operated from so many interesting places: ZD8 Ascension Island, JW Svalbard, VP2M Montserrat, FP St Pierre et Miquelon, ZC4 UK Sovereign Base Area on Cyprus
  • I would say I had very nice experiences doing ham radio in the classroom with equipment that my students had built themselves






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