Welcome to the #FediFridayWinlinkNet page!
For those operators who are active on federated social media (the “Fediverse”; i.e., Mastodon), there is a weekly Winlink net called the #FediFridayWinlinkNet (or #FFWN). Any amateur operators are welcome to check-in and participate, and also to take turns serving as net control! And be sure to follow #FFWN on Mastodon.
Please note that we are now using the “tactical” callsign “FFWN” as the recipient of check-in messages.
The general procedure is to send a message on Friday between 0000-2359 UTC with the following format:
To check in, send your #Winlink message between 0000-2359 UTC Friday
Subject: check-inMessage body line1: [callsign], [firstname], [city], [state/province/locale], [country], [mastodon username], [VHF/HF/APRS/Telnet]
Message body line2: [answer to a simple poll question determined by each week’s NCS]
Message body line3: Do you agree to have your callsign shared in the check-in list? [Y or N/opt-out]
Please join us in using your Winlink station to practice and have fun!
FFWN Check-ins
Date | Stations | Countries | Question and responses |
07/12/24 | 19 | 2 | Do you have a home weather station? Y (7), N (11) Stations: AA7US, KC3WHU, AE4WX, K0STK, KJ7ARR, KR1ST, WZ3D, .., W2ILT, KC8JC, KF0AER, KC0BLK, K7MK, F4IKH, N4EJM, KK7A, KC1UIX, KC2IHX, K6KWI |
06/07/24 | 19 | 2 | What mode was your last QSO before checking in to the FFWN? FT8 (4), FM (5), Echolink (2), DMR (1), C4FM (1), AllStar (1), APRS (1), Packet (1), CW (1), ARDOP (1) Stations: N6UTC, KC8JC, N1WEB, KJ7ARR, W2ILT, N4EJM, KC2IHX, W1WRA, K0STK, N0MQL, F4IKH, KK7A, WZ3D, KI5WLJ, N9UXC, KC1UIX, N9SSA, KC3WHU, KB9ENS |
05/31/24 | 21 | 3 | What is the most interesting or unique place from which you have operated a #hamradio? Stations: N6UTC, N2ADV, KJ7ARR, AD6QF, N1WEB, KE8QZC, K0STK, WY7AA, KK7A, KB9ENS, G0TRT, W2ILT, DD0UL, KC8JC, KC2IHX, WZ3D, KD5LPB, M0BLF, DK3HD, N4EJM, KR1ST |
05/24/24 | 20 | 5 | Do you carry an HT with you or keep a radio on while you are doing other things around the house or in the yard? Y (11), N (9) Stations: N6UTC, KC1UIX, DG8CA, W1WRA, NC6J, W2ILT, KR1ST, M0RKM, WZ3D, KC8JC, KC2IHX, N4EJM, KF0AER, NH6SP, KK7A, F4IKH, WY7AA, K0STK, VA7DPO, KC3WHU |
05/17/24 | 16 | 3 | Are you looking for any Hamvention related deals this weekend, either in Dayton or online? Y (3), N (13) Stations: DG8CA, W2ILT, K0STK, KC2IHX, KC8JC, NC6J, KO4PZW, N1WEB, NH6SP, OE7DRT, K7MK, KK7A, N4EJM, KC3WHU, DK3HD, KJ7ARR |
05/10/24 | 18 | 4 | Do you build your own antennas? Y (13), N (4) Stations: M0RKM, N1WEB, N6UTC, WO9B, N0MQL, W2ILT, KC8JC, KC2IHX, NC6J, W1WRA, KE8QZC, K7MK, DK3HD, OE7DRT, KK7A, N4EJM, KC3WHU, W0AMT |
05/03/24 | 25 | 3 | What are your ham radio plans for the weekend? See responses here Stations: KQ4DVY, WY7AA, KO4PZW, KB7RAL, N6UTC, W2ILT, KC8JC, NC6J, KR1ST, KC2IHX, KC3YQI, WO9B, K0STK, KJ7ARR, N4EJM, N8MOR, N9UXC, KE8QZC, W0AMT, KK7A, N1ZZZ, VA7DPO, KC3WHU, M1VPN, KN6RUQ |
04/26/24 | 26 | 4 | Do you have a mobile hamradio setup in your vehicle? Y (16), N (10) Stations: KJ7ARR, KO4PZW, KB7RAL, W2ILT, KC8JC, KJ7OFH, 2E0UXV, NC6J, N1WEB, K7MK, WO9B, KR1ST, N4EJM, KK7A, OE5OEM, W1WRA, KQ6OT, KC1UIX, KC2IHX, N8MOR, K0STK, KC3WHU, VA7DPO, N9UXC, KC9UNZ, N1ZZZ |
04/19/24 | 20 | 4 | Are you generally more active on #hamradio during winter or summer? Summer (6), Winter (7), Both (7) Stations: KJ7ARR, KO4PZW, AE4WX, VA7DPO, F4IKH, N1ZZZ, W2ILT, KC8JC, N4EJM, W1WRA, N1WEB, KF0AER, KR1ST, KC1UIX, KJ7OFH, KC3WHU, KK7A, K0STK, DK3HD, KC2IHX |
04/12/24 | 20 | 3 | What is your most memorable QSO? See responses here. Stations: G0TRT, W2ILT, KC2IHX, KC8JC, KC3YQI, KK7A, N1WEB, N4EJM, KJ7ARR, N6UTC, KQ6OT, VE7WYC, KE8QZC, KO4PZW, K7MK, N9UXC, VA7EKA, N1ZZZ, KR1ST, AE4WX |
04/05/24 | 23 | 5 | If you could only use a single mode for the next year, what would it be? CW (6), SSB (4), FM (7), FT8 (1), DMR (1), Hellschreiber (1) Stations: DG8CA, KC0BLK, KE8QZC, KK7A, N6UTC, W2ILT, W1WRA, KC8JC, NC6J, KO4PZW, N1WEB, N4EJM, KC9UNZ, KQ6OT, OE7DRT, MORKM, KC1UIX, KR1ST, DK3HD, M1VPN, K7MK, KC3WHU, VE7WYC |
03/29/24 | 34 | 5 | Do you have a ham radio blog? Y (9), N (25) Stations: W2ILT, KC0BLK, NC6J, N9UXC, N6UTC, KB9ENS, K0STK, VE7WYC, W1WRA, M0RVB, KK7A, M0RKM, KC1UIX, N1ZZZ, KC9UNZ, KF0AER, N1WEB, WY7AA, KO4PZW, K7MK, KC2IHX, F4IKH, KF5DPX, KK7IX, OE7DRT, N4EJM, N8MOR, KE8QZC, KR1ST, KC3WHU, M1VPN, KB7RAL, KC8JC, VA7DPO |
03/15/24 | 32 | 6 | Do you use amateur radio to report and/or monitor weather conditions? Y (22), N (10) Stations: KC0BLK, KB9ENS, K0STK, VE7WYC, OE7DRT, KC8JC, N1WEB, NC6J W2ILT, W1WRA, N4EJM, N6UTC, K7MK, KR1ST, KK7A, KC9UNZ, KC2IHX, N4RJB, F4IKH, VA7DPO, M0RKM, DG8CA, NH6SP, KC3WHU, KO4PZW, KF5DPX, WA8UNS, N9UXC, N1ZZZ, KK7IX, AI6YR, AE4WX |
03/08/24 | 24 | 5 | Are you planning on participating in Field Day this June? Y (15), N (7), MAYBE (2) Stations: KC8JC, W2ILT, NC6J, KK7A, F4IKH, KC9UNZ, K7MK, N6UTC, KO4PZW, W1WRA, N4EJM, WY7AA, KK7IX, KR1ST, KE8QZC, DG8CA, N9UXC, K0STK, KF5DPX, M1VPN, VE7WYC, N1WEB, KC3WHU, NH6SP |
03/01/24 | 33 | 7 | Do you send paper QSL cards? Y (15), N (15), sometimes/rarely (2) Stations: KC0BLK, KB9ENS, KK7A, WB0GAG, VK1OMG, M0RKM, W2ILT, KC8JC, N4EJM, KO4PZW, R2AZE, NC6J, KR1ST, OE7DRT, N6UTC, M0RVB, N8MOR, KC2IHX, KK7IX, F4IKH, KB7RAL, N4RJB, KF5DPX, K0STK, W1WRA, KE8QZC, VA7DPO, M1VPN, KC9UNZ, KC3WHU, W1CDN, K7MK, AE4WX |
02/23/24 | 30 | 6 | What is your favorite antenna? Responses can be seen here Stations: KE8QZC, AE4WX, N1WEB, NC6J, AA7US, N6UTC, KK7A, K0STK, DG8CA, N4EJM, KC8JC, M0RVB, W2ILT, M0RKM, G0TRT, W1CDN, VA7TEV, F4IKH, KK7IX, KC2IHX, KC3WHU, OE7DRT, KF5DPX, K7MK, VE7WYC, NH6SP, N9UXC, VA7DPO, N9DRB, KR1ST |
02/16/24 | 23 | 4 | Do you attend hamfests? Y (16), N (5), not since COVID (2) Stations: KE8QZC, N1WEB, NC6J, AA7US, W2ILT, G0TRT, KC8JC, K0STK, M0RKM, NH6SP, KC3WHU, F4IKH, KK7A, KR1ST, N4EJM, OE7DRT, KK5DPX, KC2IHX, AE4WX, KC9UNZ, N6UTC, N9UXC, AAI6YR |
02/09/24 | 31 | 4 | How many different ways have you sent a Winlink message? (e.g. VHF, HF, APRS, etc). 1 (6), 2 (12), 3 (7), 4 (4), 5 (0), 6 (0), 7 (1), 8 (1) Stations: NH6SP, K0STK, KC3WHU, NC6J, KE8QZC, KC2IHX, KK7A, KB7RAL, F4IKH, KC8JC, AA7US, W2ILT, N6CTA, N1WEB, KR1ST, G0TRT, W1CDN, AI6YR, KC1SRI, M1VPN, KK7IX, N1ZZZ, N9DRB, N4EJM, DG8CA, KF5DPX, WC3B, N9UXC, KJ7OFH, KB3SQV, AE4WX ![]() |
02/02/24 | 30 | 5 | Have you activated a park for POTA? Y (13), N (17) Stations: AA7US, WY7AA, N6UTC, KB2DSR, KE8QZC, R2AZE, VA7TEV, G0TRT, W2ILT, KC8JC, N4EJM, KC2IHX, NC6J, KF0AER, KK7A, KC0BLK, KO4PZW, KR1ST, KF5DPX, KK7IX, K4NDZ, KB7RAL, KC3WHU, F4IKH, K7MK, M1VPN, N9UXC, NH6SP*, VA7DPO, N1WEB *from Costco #140! |
01/26/24 | 34 | 5 | Are you participating in Winter Field Day? Y (14), N (17), Maybe (1), nr (2) Stations: KC0BLK, N0ZB, KE8QZC, VA7TEV, KB7RAL, N6UTC, AA7US, KB2DSR, G0TRT, R2AZE, KJ7OFH, AE4WX, N1WEB, KC8JC, W2ILT, KC2IHX, NC6J, N0MQL, N9UXC, KK7A, KO4PZW, K7MK, N1ZZZ, WY7AA, KQ4NAF, F4IKH, NH6SP, K0STK, N8MOR, M0RVB, N4EJM, KK7IX, VA7DPO, KC3WHU |
01/19/24 | 33 | 6 | Do you actively engage in posting and reading ham radio content on any other social media platforms besides Mastodon? Y (17), N (13) Stations: DK2BN, AA7US, KB7RAL, KR1ST, N6UTC, N1ZZZ, NH6SP, VA7TEV, K0STK, N7FX, G0TRT, AE4WX, KC8JC, KE8QZC, KF0AER, W2ILT, N1WEB, M0RVB, R2AZE, F4IKH, N4EJM, N8MOR, 2E0UXV, KC0BLK, KE8TDE, M1VPN, N0ZB, KC2IHX, KK7A, N9UXC, WY7AA, KO4PZW, KQ4NAF |
01/12/24 | 25 | 6 | Are you a current member of your national society for ham radio? Y (18), N (6), nr (1) Stations: KR1ST, NH6SP, N4EJM, K0STK, N6UTC, WY7AA, R2AZE, G0TRT, W1WRA, AA7US, N1WEB, KC2IHX, KC8JC, N0MQL, N9DRB, M0RVB, KK7A, KC9UNZ, F4IKH, VA7TEV, KK7IX, DG8CA, KC3WHU, N9UXC, W2ILT |
01/05/24 | 29 | 6 | Do you use APRS regularly? Y (20), N (8) Stations: N1WEB, KB3SQV, N6UTC, NH6SP, R2AZE, KC8JC, N0ZB, KK7A, 2E0UXV, KC2IHX, K0STK, KF0AER, KC0BLK, W1WRA, N1ZZZ, N4EJM, KR1ST, W1CDN, F4IKH, AD6QF, KO4PZW, KC9UNZ, VA7DPO, KK7IX, KC3WHU, M1VPN, DG8CA, WY7AA, N9UXC |
12/22/23 | 22 | 4 | What are you ham radio goals for 2024? See this page Stations: W1CDN, AI6YR, N0ZB, KC3WHU, N6UTC, AA7US, G0TRT, M0RVB, KC8JC, KC4WEB, KC2IHX, NC6J, K0STK, N4EJM, N1ZZZ, NH6SP, F4IKH, KR1ST, WY7AA, DG8CA, M1VPN, KO4ERE |
12/15/23 | 17 | 4 | Do you read the forums on QRZ.com? Y (3), N (13) Stations: KC3WHU, KE8QZC, K0STK, KR1ST, N6UTC, KC8JC, AA7US, KC2IHX, F4IKH, DG8CA, KC4WEB, G0TRT, M1VPN, NH6SP, N4EJM,WY7AA, AE4WX |
12/8/23 | 28 | 4 | If you have an auto, do you have a mobile radio installed in it? Y-VHF/UHF (14), Y-HF (2), N (13) Stations: KC0BLK, KE8URJ, KE8QZC, WY7AA, AA7US, N2DYI, AE4WX, KC3WHU, N4EJM, KC8JC, DC1TC, AD6QF, KC4WEB, N0MQL, W1WRA, G0TRT, 2E0UXV, K0STK, F4IKH, N6UTC, DG8CA, N6CTA, NH6SP, KC2IHX, KR1ST, M1VPN, N9UXC, N9SSA |
12/1/23 | 21 | 4 | Have you ever used peer to peer (P2P) messaging in Winlink? Yes (6), No (15) Stations: KC0BLK, K0STK, KC3WHU, WC3B, WY7AA, AI6YR, KR1ST, N6UTC, AA7US, KE8QZC, M0BLF, N4EJM, W1WRA, KC4WEB, KC2IHX, 2E0UXV, KJ7OFH, DG8CA, VA7DPO, K04PZW, N2DYI |
11/24/23 | 21 | 4 | Are you active in a local ham radio club? Yes (14), No (7) Stations: N1ZZZ, AA7US, NC6J, G0TRT, K0STK, DG8CA, R2AZE, M0BLF, AE4WX, KC2IHX, KC3WHU, KC8JC, KC0BLK, M0RVB, AE0SB, NI6V, N4EJM, AI7MW, KC4WEB, N2DYI, KR1ST |
11/17/23 | 28 | 4 | Do you have a portable or field setup for using Winlink? Yes (14), No (13), not answered (1) Stations: KO4ERE, KC3WHU, AI6YR, N6UTC, AI7MW, G0TRT, .., AA7US, N1ZZZ, KJ7OFH, KC1RGS, KC8JC, KC4WEB, 2E0YIB, KR1ST, VA7DPO, W1WRA, NC6J, N4EJM, KC0BLK, KC2IHX, W1CDN, WY7AA, KE2AEQ, K0STK, F4IKH, M1VPN, AK0A 16 stations used the Winlink check-in form |
11/10/23 | 24 | 7 | Do you prefer written or video tutorials for ham radio? Written (19), Video (7) Stations: KC8JC, 2E0YIB, G0TRT, AK0A, AA7US, EI7LC, KC2IHX, NI6V, KE8TDE, W1WRA, 2E0UXV, KR1ST, KC0BLK, N4EJM, VA7DPO, N6UTC, F4IKH, K0STK, DG8CA, KC4WEB, EA8DHY, M1VPN, KE2AEQ, N9UXC |
11/03/23 | 21 | 5 | Do you use paper QSL cards? Yes (14), No (6), No response (1) Do you use e QSL cards? Yes (13), No (7), No response (1) Stations: KC8JC, G0TRT, KC2IHX, NC6J, KR1ST, KC4WEB, 2E0UXV, KC0BLK, 2E0YIB, AA7US, W1CDN, KC9UNZ, N4EJM, F4IKH, KJ7OFH, EI7LC, M0RVB, .., AI6YR, EA8DHY, K0STK |
10/27/23 | 16 | 4 | What is your OS of choice for mobile devices? Android (9), iOS (7) Stations: AA7US, KC8JC, 2E0UXV, KC2IHX, G0TRT, M0RVB, R2AZE, KR1ST, K0STK, N4EJM, KC0BLK, N0MQL, .., EI7LC, M1VPN, AE4WX, |
10/20/23 | 10 | 4 | On what band are most of your contacts made? 40m (1), 30m (1), 20m (4), 17m (1), 6m (1), 2m (1), .03m(1) Stations: EI7LC, 2E0UXV, KC2IHX, N9UXC, .., W5NYV, KB7RAL, AI6YR, NB0X, N9DRB, KR1ST |
10/13/23 | 19 | 4 | Do you like Candy Corn? Yes (8), No (5), Meh (1), Never tried it (1), What is candy corn? (4) |
10/06/23 | 17 | 4 | Do you use V/UHF digital voice modes? If so, which one(s)? Yes (12), No (5); Modes DMR (7), YSF/C4FM (4), WIRES-X (1), D-STAR (1), AllStar (1), IRLP (1), APRS (2) |
09/29/23 | 22 | 6 | What OS and Winlink client are you using to check in? OS: (11) Windows, (5) Linux, (5) iOS, (1) Android Client: (12) Winlink, (5) Radiomail, (4) Pat, (1) APRSDroid |
09/22/23 | 17 | 4 | Do you use LoTW? Yes (12), No (4), Abstain (1) |