Tag: Winlink

  • FFWN Reboot

    I have been thinking about restarting the Fedi Friday Winlink Net (FFWN). I’ve got a bit more breathing room with work right now and I think it would be fun to get it going again. I’ve also been trying to check-in weekly to the Great Lakes Area Winlink Net (GLAWN) which is a much larger…

  • FFWN Weekend Plans

    Here are the responses to the #FediFridayWinlinkNet question from 05/03/2024: What are your #hamradio weekend plans?

  • FFWN Most Memorable QSOs

    For the FediFridayWinlinkNet on 04/12/2024, the prompt of the week was to describe your most memorable QSO. Here are some of the responses.

  • #FFWN Goals for 2024

    I’m re-posting this from the 22 December 2023 FediFridayWinlinkNet so we can refer to it later and reflect on our stated goals. What are your ham radio goals for 2024?

  • Winlink Wishlist

    🎶I wish I had a Winlink stack that’s free and open-source🎶 (sung to the tune of Wishlist by Pearl Jam) I use Winlink quite a bit, which is probably widely known since I run the #FediFridayWinlinkNet. The system is very reliable and robust with so many access points and modes. But like many Winlink users,…