Tag: Winlink
FFWN Reboot
I have been thinking about restarting the Fedi Friday Winlink Net (FFWN). I’ve got a bit more breathing room with work right now and I think it would be fun to get it going again. I’ve also been trying to check-in weekly to the Great Lakes Area Winlink Net (GLAWN) which is a much larger…
FFWN Weekend Plans
Here are the responses to the #FediFridayWinlinkNet question from 05/03/2024: What are your #hamradio weekend plans?
FFWN Most Memorable QSOs
For the FediFridayWinlinkNet on 04/12/2024, the prompt of the week was to describe your most memorable QSO. Here are some of the responses.
#FFWN Goals for 2024
I’m re-posting this from the 22 December 2023 FediFridayWinlinkNet so we can refer to it later and reflect on our stated goals. What are your ham radio goals for 2024?
Winlink Wishlist
🎶I wish I had a Winlink stack that’s free and open-source🎶 (sung to the tune of Wishlist by Pearl Jam) I use Winlink quite a bit, which is probably widely known since I run the #FediFridayWinlinkNet. The system is very reliable and robust with so many access points and modes. But like many Winlink users,…